"I answered the phone one day, about 8 years ago. I was new to the salon. The woman on the other end of the phone explained to me that she had been in the store with her grandson a week or so earlier and that he must have taken notice of one of the hair stylists 'She had pink hair,' she said, 'I found him in his room today trying to color his hair with a pink crayon.' She explained that her grandson had never had a haircut in a salon before. She had always done his haircuts herself, at home, because of his autism she had always thought that the experience would be too overwhelming. For some reason he had taken an interest in the stylist with pink hair, and she thought she would take a chance and come in. They made an appointment with me. Since they had seen me last I had changed my hair color, but for the day of the appointment I used a temporary spray-on color to make my hair pink again, just like he remembered. The first haircut lasted about 10 minutes, and I only did a quick trim around the back and up and over the ears. I worked calmly and quietly, and he sat silent. They booked another appointment with me about 4 or 5 weeks later. The second haircut went a little better than the first, I was able to get a good trim all over. When they arrived for the third haircut I heard 'Hi Rachel,' which was such a great surprise! He is now 14 and has been getting regular haircuts from me ever since. It has been a great pleasure to see him blossom over the years. We now have conversations while he is getting his hair cut, he asks me how I've been and what's new, and tells me what's going on at school. I will gladly cut his hair until he is an old man, if he wants me to."
Since this first, fateful, client Rachel has built many request clients of varying special needs and has received many referrals from the parents of her current clients when their friends are looking for someone to cut their child's' hair. She is able to sense each child's personal level of comfort and her calm approach helps ease each child into the routine of getting a haircut.
It's a gift, talent, or blessing... whatever you want to call it Rachel has it, and we are glad to have her at The Salon at Kids Club!
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