
Monday, May 13, 2013

Beautiful Lengths of Love

One of the most amazing things we get to be a part of at the
Salon at Kids Club is hair donation.

Not only is it so much fun to see a transformation,
but it also is extraordinary to see kids give something of themselves to
a cause without hesitation.

At the salon we support both Locks of Love and Pantene Beautiful Lengths;
two incredible organizations trying to help those who have lost so much
regain a sense of normalcy.


Pantene Beautiful Lengths:

Pantene Beautiful Lengths was created in 2006
to help women who have lost their hair
 due to cancer treatments.

“We created Beautiful Lengths because healthy hair means a lot to us, and the appearance of healthy hair means so much to women battling cancer.
We want to be there for women when looking and feeling healthy is so important to them.

 As one breast cancer survivor put it,
‘It was very hard when my hair started falling out.
It really takes away who you are when you look in the mirror’.

Many of the women we help say that putting on a wig
makes them feel like themselves again. And when you donate your hair to the cause,
you’re helping make that happen.”

Locks of Love:

Locks of love achieved its charity status in 2007.
They provide hair pieces to financially disadvantaged children in the
United States and Canada.
Most of these children have lost their hair from Alopecia Areata,
a disease which has no known cure or cause.

The current president, Madonna W. Coffman,  suffered from this disease, but it wasn’t until her 4 year old daughter lost her own hair from the same disease that Coffman knew
she needed to be a part of an organization that changed her life.

“Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy
to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails
to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children.
The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need”. (

These two charities help people fighting battles that could be made easier
with something as simple as hair.
Giving them something that most people take for granted,
hair which can help them feel less isolated
and more like a regular healthy individual.

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